Study Material
More than half of the success of students associated with , Catalyst Bureau should be attributed to its study material. Lots of effort and time are invested by our expert educationalists in preparing these study material for IIT-JEE & NEET as a knowledge banks. All the books and materials are prepared by subject experts who possess decades of teaching experience. The information provided in them is exhaustive, qualitative and comprehensive and is in conformity with the new pattern syllabus. We make sure that all the material is available to the students with the previous year’s papers as well as the important topic-wise notes. These study material for IIT-JEE & EET are prepared by our professional teaching staff to make sure that everything relevant to the course is included in the study material. At Catalyst Bureau we provide both online and offline. This reduces the time that would have gone into research and review of the material we found, as we know that it is already proofed by the expert educationist.