Do studying in Kota guarantee a good rank in JEE/NEET?

Do studying in Kota guarantee a good rank in JEE/NEET?

Do studying in Kota guarantee a good rank in JEE/NEET?

The most frequent queries of parents are… Where to get the best coaching from JEE Mains? From where to get IIT Foundation courses? What are the top JEE coaching Institutes? Which are the best classes for NEET? Which is the Top coaching for IIT? Where to get Online coaching for JEE/NEET? How to get the best study material for IIT/NEET?

After this the question is Shall I send my child to Kota for JEE and NEET preparation?

The fact is that everyone has the Desire of going to reputed universities such as AIIMS, NITs & IITs. To ace through these exams, you will have to work hard and study with the best teachers.

When it comes to NEET & JEE preparation, Kota has helped thousands of students as this has become the Education Hub for all the coaching Institutes. The total strength of students is increasing year on year and now more than 2.5 lakh students go to Kota and realize their dream of getting into the best NEET or JEE College.

A truth of Life: According to most students studying in Kota say that it is not only hectic in study or preparation but also, it’s difficult adjusting to the place, peers, environment, and food is also a task. Hundreds of unfortunate stories and incidents about students come out of Kota every year, getting the limelight.

Do All Who Study in Kota Crack JEE or NEET?

If we look at the bigger picture, not all who study in Kota get admitted to AIMs or IIT. The authenticity of these statements can be checked out in the metrics, and stats. You will notice that not only 1 percent of students from Kota clear JEE or NEET exams. In fact, the toppers are usually not from Kota.

Student & Parent practical experience: “In Kota, if you perform well, then there’s no issue, everyone will be sweet with you and take care of you but if it does not happen this way, then you need a lot of courage, determination, and confidence.

Does Going to Kota Guarantee that You Are Learning from The Best Teachers?

The outside myth is that Kota is occupied with the top faculty for JEE/NEET. But have you ever thought that you will 100% get those teachers? Will they teach your batch?

According to many students who studied in Kota, just because Kota has the best teachers does not mean that those teachers will teach you. Usually, the best teachers only teach the top 2 or 3 batches and the rest are taught by normal teachers. In Kota, only the top batches get the best facilities like – AC classes, separate vehicles, the best faculties, and extra attention.

Today’s Topmost Challenge…How to build a strong and sound foundation of a child?

A child can accomplish much more in life if the start is taken at the right age and right time and right place during school journey. Don’t stop your child’s pursuit of happiness just because you as a parent don’t understand.

We follow our own unique and pedagogical approach towards education known as the “TSD” School of Thoughts. The TSD emphasis on the Thrill, Skill, and the Drill factor of a Child’s Mindset. It eventually facilitates improving their abilities of intelligence level by grasping concepts and their application. This approach helps in raising the bar and providing a competitive edge.


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